Upon the beginning of their Reign, his Royal Majesty Havordh and Her Royal Majesty Majesty, Mary Grace bid their scribes create new designs for their award charters. Later period, preferably English or some similar culture.
I requested to design the Hastae Leonis, as this award was something dear to my significant other, it is the Award for prowess and chivalry on the field of heavy combat in An Tir, specifically for war fighters, I believe.

I found this lovely woodcut on a website called German History in Documents and Images
"Augsburg around 1500 (1493)
The quintessential German Renaissance city and one of Germany’s oldest,
Augsburg was a rival to Nuremberg, just 75 miles to the north. During
the sixteenth century, Augsburg hosted many Imperial Diets and surpassed
Nuremberg as the largest German-speaking city and financial hub of the
Empire. Woodcut by Michael Wohlgemut, Liber Chronicarum, 1493, pp. 91b-92a."
I first decided upon a layout, something a bit different than what I'd see in a while in An Tir. Although still a trusted and recommended design from a previous reigns design book.

Once words were created, by Nicolai
and approved by their Majesties, it was time to fit it to the aloted space. Trial 1, didn't work very well.
and approved by their Majesties, it was time to fit it to the aloted space. Trial 1, didn't work very well.

Trial 2 was more successful with new spacing.
After some contemplation of the image, I decided to vary it a bit from the original to elongate the image and make it not an exact duplicate.

Once I was satisfied with the image layout in pencil, it was time to ink it.

Here is some up close detail of the wood cut image