In his quest for Knighthood, one of the pieces of feedback my love, Nicolai received was that he needed to look the part (IE, we needed a sharp(er) dressed man). So, he decided that he would be most comfortable wearing and portraying some mid period Norman styles.
So this last spring, Helena and I sprung into action making him a new wardrobe. The plan was to create period underwear, 2 Norman under tunics, 4 heavier over tunics, 2 new pairs of trews, at least 1 new arming cap and a norman/norse cloak.
Below are photos of the garb that was produced in this effort, the cloak and trews are still in process- now with a deadline of his elevation ceremony at 12th Night LI.
Tunic #1: Embroidered design into fabric already, with gold roping and faux pearls for trim.

Tunic #2: Burnt umber linen with brown linen cuffs and braided trim on neck/cuffs, woven trim on hem.

Tunic #3: Hunter green medium weight wool with gold embroidery on silk feeling trim.

Tunic #4: Blue linen with White linen bands backed in white wool for body. Teal wool applique with gold roped couching.

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